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Buildings & interiors

The Great Hall and the Hogarth Stair in the North Wing (1732), along with the Henry VIII Gatehouse (1703) are the heritage jewels of the Barts site.

With our specialist design team, we have advanced detailed plans for the conservation of the historic buildings including a detailed business plan to ensure long term sustainable uses. Our programmes of activity across a range of audiences are also well progressed.

Images: Matthew Andrews

The Great Hall

Images: Matthew Hall
Damian Griffiths
David Butler
Friends of Barts Heritage

See also: 18th Century

Hogarth Stair

Images: Matthew Hall
Sam Whittaker
 Damian Griffiths

North Wing rooms and exteriors

Images: Damian Griffiths
Wellcome Collection

See also: 18th Century

Henry VIII Gatehouse

Images: Wellcome Collection
Matthew Hall

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